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C.B.B.A. NEWS - March 2005

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Following the successful Anniversary Show in 2004 the C.B.B.A. committee are to hold a similar event on Sunday 12th June 2005, again at Wolvey Village Hall.

The 2004 show was the best supported Clearwing exhibition event and it is hoped that even more breeders will exhibit their birds at the 2005 event.

Whilst judging of the exhibits on the morning of the show is undertaken by the C.B.B.A. President Phil Proctor it is envisaged that a panel of 4 or so eminent Clearwing breeders will be available to answer questions posed by the audience.   Pre-booked lunches will be available at local hostelries and refreshments will be available in the morning.  Entries taken on the day.

If you require further details contact Bill Walker on 0115 9747 312 or e-mail magbill@ntlworld.com

The committee have further agreed to hold regional shows on an annualk basis.  It is anticipated that the first one will be held in conjunction with the L.&C.N.W.B.S. Specialist and Rare show at Warrington on the 25th September 2005 – more details in Clearwing Focus as this develops.

New members are always welcome as are those who would wish to re-join.  If you keep Clearwings whether you show them or not, join the C.B.B.A. to understand how the variety is developing, keep abreast of who’s who in the variety and where outcrosses might be sourced.

Membership enquiries are always welcome, contact Craig Tipton, 9 Sunray Avenue, Belgrano, Abergele, Conway, LL22 9AG.  Tel 01745 822607, e-mail craig@tipton9957fslife.co.uk   As Craig also handles C.B.B.A. product sales of ties, polo shirts, T shirts, coasters, mugs etc. please contact him about this merchandise.

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