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Spangle Day & AGM 2014
Report by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman

The Spangled BBA held its Spangle Day, incorporating the AGM, in Ellesmere, Shropshire. Vice Chairman Rod Clarke opened the meeting by welcoming the 16 members present and thanked them for bringing their birds to the show. He made a special welcome to Don Rowell the judge and Ian Clarke the speaker for the day.

Ian, with the aid of a power point presentation, gave the history of the spangle variety as well as of the association and the members who have built the association from its inception in November 1987.

The President Bob Allen with Don Rowell (speaker) and Ian Clarke (judge)

While Ian was busy presenting, Don judged the 33 spangles present from 6 exhibitors. The Best in Show went to novice exhibitor Colin Brickell with a lovely Spangle Light Green cock winning the Best Spangle Single Factor, Best Green Series and Best Novice. Colin also won Best Spangle Young Bird. Bill & Malcolm Hough won Best Spangle Opposite Sex with a Green hen and also Best Champion with a Grey Green cock. Arnold Stevens won Best Double Factor Spangle with a Yellow cock. The partnership of Cy Thorne and Belinda Finlayson won the Best Marked Single Factor Spangle.

The President Bob Allen with the winners
(l to r) Bill & Malcolm Hough, Cy Thorne, Arnold Stevens and Colin Brickell

The Alf Ormerod Memorial Trophy for the 2013 Most Spangle Young Bird wins went to Jim and Carol Huxley from Stoke with 8 wins.

At the AGM the Vice Chairman Rod Clarke gave apologies for the absence of the Chairman Ghalib and Janice Al-Nasser who were on holiday in Thailand and welcomed members to the meeting. All officers gave positive reports on their activities and the balance sheet looked very healthy with a surplus on the year. Ian Clarke was inaugurated as the new President for the coming three years. All other officers remained the same with Ian Clarke as President, Ghalib Al-Nasser and Stuart Forbes Life Vice Presidents; Janice Al-Nasser, Steve Amos, Jeff Attwood, Fred Canham, Bill & Christine Heale, Rienhard Molkentin, Frank Silva, Roy Stringer and Ron Thumwood, Vice Presidents; Ghalib Al-Nasser, Chairman, Secretary & Publicity Officer; Rod Clarke, Vice Chairman and Patronage Secretary; John Cosby, Membership Secretary; Janice Al-Nasser, Treasurer; Ian Clarke, Editor; Sue Clarke, Trophy Steward; Bob Allen, Ian Brickwood, Cy Thorne and Clifton Wixon, committee members. It was decided that the next Spangle Day/AGM will be held on 19th April 2015 with a tentative invitation coming from Swindon BS to host the event. The society’s website ( is kept fully updated.

Ian Clarke, the new President,
with Bob Allen the outgoing President

Subscription rates remain the same at: single £8, partnership (same address) £12, partnership (different addresses) £8 per member and OAP, disabled and junior £5. Life membership at 20 times the single membership is available.

The spring issue of the Spangle Review with a new face lift cover depicting a water colour painting by Roy Aplin of the Spangle Grey cock that won BIS for Frank Silva at the 1999 B.S. Club Show, was posted to all paid up members in late March and those who have not received it should contact the editor Ian Clarke at (

The Vice Chairman, in his closing remarks, gave a special “thank you” to Bill and Marion Ralph from Ellesmere CBS for providing the day’s lunch and refreshments; to Cy Thorne and John Cosby for running the show; to Don Rowell and Ian Clarke for judging the show and giving the morning presentation and to the members for turning up with their birds and donated raffle prizes.


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