reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Show Organiser

The 24th Specialist & Rare Variety Open Show once again was a successful show with total entry of 650 of which 452 birds were benched in the competitive classes from 52 exhibitors.

Our Guest of Honour this year to present the 45 trophies was Maurice Roberts, the Budgerigar Society President. Next year's show will be staged on 29th & 30th June 2013 (week 26) at the same venue in Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire.


The 70 Spangle Greens were judged by Geoff Bowley and he awarded the adult CC and Best Spangle Overall in Show to the quality Double Factor Spangle Yellow cock of Rick Watts. Jerry Donovan was second with a Light Green cock winning the largest spangle class in the show. This class also saw for the first time a “miniature” spangle benched by Ghalib Al-Nasser which created some comments!!! Another Double Factor Spangle Yellow cock benched by Stuart Lansdowne was placed third in the run down. Arnold Stevens benched a Grey Green hen to win the opposite sex award.

Jerry Donovan staged a good Green hen to win the young bird award and Best Spangle Young Bird in Show overall. This was followed by Colin Potter’s Double Factor Yellow hen in second place. Jerry Donovan was third with a stylish Green cock winning the opposite sex award.

Rick Watts who won both any age CCs and Jerry Donovan who won both young bird CCs.

Place   Any Age C.C. Line Up           Young Bird C.C. Line Up

1.         R. Watts *                                  J. Donovan

2.         J. Donovan                                  C. Potter

3.         S & T Lansdowne                       J. Donovan

4.         A. Stevens                                  M. Widdowson

5.         M. Widdowson                           A. Stevens

6.         S & T Lansdowne                       A. Stevens

7.         A. Stevens                                  A. Stevens

8.         A. Stevens                                  A. Benton

9.         A. Benton                                  

10.       G & J Al-Nasser                        

Bill Hough judged the 44 Spangle Blues and awarded the Best Spangle Blue and adult CC to Rick Watts’ Spangle Dominant Pied Cobalt cock of quality. A Double Factor White cock belongs to Jerry Donovan was placed second in the line up. This was followed by Craig & Sandra Tipton’s Skyblue cock in third place which by far was the best bird in the line up but the flecking and condition put him down. Findlay & Flavell benched a Skyblue hen in good condition to win the Best Any Age Opposite award.

Jerry came to the fore to win his second young bird CC with a Double Factor White cock of good quality. A Skyblue cock belongs to Fred, Kevin & Sheila Eatwell was second. Arnold Stevens benched a Double Factor White hen of good size in third place. Sadly there were no junior entries in the spangle classes.

Place   Any Age C.C. Line Up           Young Bird C.C. Line Up

1.         R. Watts *                                  J. Donovan

2.         J. Donovan                                  F, K & S Eatwell

3.         C & S Tipton *                           A. Stevens

4.         Findlay & Flavell                         F. Barnes

5.         C. Brickell                                   A. Stevens

6.         M. Anzara                                   M & M Chapman

7.         A. Benton                                   A. Benton

8.         A. Stevens                                  A. Benton

9.         Findlay & Flavell                        

*  indicates non SBBA member

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