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(a)  The Society, a non-profit organisation, shall be known as THE SPANGLED BUDGERIGAR BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION (‘The Society’).


(a)  To promote and publicise the Spangle Budgerigar.

(b)  To unite and foster friendship amongst all Spangle enthusiasts world-wide.

(c)  To constantly strive to improve the standard and quality of the Spangle.

(d)  To breed the variety, to stabilise the wing and body markings and to establish the breeding expectations.

(e)  To promote the exhibition of the Spangle by means of Society Patronage.

(f)    To provide information to and liaise with any other interested bodies concerning the standard for the exhibition Spangle based upon our specialised knowledge and experience.


(a)  Application for membership should be made to the Membership Secretary in writing or on the official membership application form and accompanied by the full annual subscription.  The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership at its sole discretion without giving any reason for such refusal.


The amount of subscription shall be as agreed at the ruling Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) of the Society and be due on 1st January for the ensuing year.   Members who have not paid by the 31st March shall be deemed to have lapsed from membership.

         The types of subscription are as follows:-

         (i)    Single membership.

         (ii)   Partnership (any number).

         (iii)  Husband and Wife and blood relatives living at same address.

         (iv)  Senior Citizen.

         (v)   Registered Disabled.

         (vi)  Juniors.

         (vii) Life Membership available at 20 times the current subscription.


(a)    This shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of the President, President Elect, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Patronage Secretary, Editor, Publicity Officer, Trophy Steward and a Committee of four members.  Any of the aforementioned offices may be held jointly by two or more persons.

(b)    The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other individuals for special purposes.

(c)    There will also be honorary appointments of Life Vice-Presidents and Vice Presidents.


(a)    Committee meetings will be called at the discretion of the Chairman and General Secretary to discuss such business to ensure the smooth running of The  Society's activities.

(b)    A quorum for all committee meetings shall consist of five members including officers (one person one vote).

(c)    The Chairman and General Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees formed for any purpose in connection with The Society.


(a)    All Officers and Committee members shall be elected for one year at a time except the President and President Elect who will be elected every three years. All new nominations for office or committee shall be sent to the General Secretary in writing (proposed and seconded) on or before 1st March of each year.  Should there be more than one nomination for an office or more than four nominations for the Committee, then a postal ballot will take place.  Ballot papers, with all relevant details, will be sent out to members at least four weeks prior to the A.G.M.  Scrutineers for such ballots shall be selected at the A.G.M.

 (b)   If there are no new nominations for the Officers or the Committee, and the present holders are prepared to serve again, then there shall be no need for a ballot and all Officers and Committee members will be elected ‘en block’ at the A.G.M.

c)    Any vacancies occurring during the year may be filled by the Committee co-opting a member for the remainder of that year.


(a)   The A.G.M. is the ultimate authority of this Society.  The A.G.M. shall be held in March/April of each year, at a time and place to be agreed by the Committee.  Announcement of the A.G.M. shall be made in The Society's publication and/or other journals of the fancy.

(b)   The purpose of the meeting will be:-

        (i)    To receive reports from Officers.

        (ii)   To receive the Balance Sheet and the financial report from the               Treasurer.

        (iii)  To elect the Officers and the Committee.

        (iv)  To elect two Accounts Scrutineers and Ballot Scrutineers for the ensuing            year.

        (v)   To deal with any matter of which proper notice shall have been given to the        General Secretary by the 1st March.

        (vi)  Any other business.

(c)   Only full paid-up members of The Society will be allowed to vote.

(d)   The Chairman shall have the casting vote.


(a)   The Treasurer shall be responsible for all money of The Society and shall prepare an audited Balance Sheet to be presented at the A.G.M. for endorsement.  A copy of the Balance Sheet shall be incorporated in the following issue of The Society's publication.  A copy of the Balance Sheet and agenda for the A.G.M. shall be sent to all Officers and Committee members at least two weeks before the A.G.M.

(b)   The Society's financial year shall end on the last day of December.


(a)   The Society's Bankers shall be one of the main Banks or Building Societies at the Treasurer's discretion.

(b)   The General Secretary, Membership Secretary and Treasurer may each hold a petty cash account to a maximum of £20.00 to cover incidental expenses such as stationery and post.  All such items of expenditure to be recorded in the financial books of the Society.  All cheques, drafts, bills, etc. made out on behalf of The Society shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Chairman or the General Secretary to be valid.

(c)   The General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, Patronage Secretary and Editor shall receive an annual Honorarium.


(a)  An area members' meeting, strictly for social purposes, may be held in any area under the name of The Society providing that the General Secretary has been given fourteen days notice.

(b)  An Extraordinary General Meeting (E.G.M.) can be held if a written request, signed by not less than 25 paid-up members, is sent, by recorded delivery, to the General Secretary.  All Officers and Committee members must be informed before the meeting is arranged.

(c)  Announcement of such a meeting shall be made in Cage & Aviary Birds or The Society's publication.  Such meeting shall be held not less than one month nor more than two months from the written request.

(d)  Discussion at any E.G.M. must be strictly confined to the subjects specified in the notice.

(e)  The quorum of such meetings shall be 25 paid-up members of which 15 must be signatories to the written request.

(f)    The Chairman shall have the casting vote.


(a)  No General Rule shall be altered unless a two-third majority of the members present vote in favour of such alteration at the A.G.M.  Notice of desire to alter any Rule must be given in writing to the General Secretary by the 1st March.


(a)  The Society's publication (The Spangle Review) shall be produced at least twice a year.

(b)  The Editor shall have sole responsibility for the contents of the publication and the Editor's decision as to inclusion or exclusion of offered material shall be final except on Society business.


(a)  Patronage shall be awarded to societies at a given fee to be agreed at the A.G.M.

(b)  Patronages awarded are as follows:-

       (i)     Championship Affiliation Patronage.

       (ii)    Promotional Affiliation Patronage.

       Plus any other additional specials or Area Patronages to be agreed at the A.G.M.

(c)  All Patronage Applications to be received by the Patronage Secretary by 28th February in each year.

(d)  Any alterations or additions to Patronage Rules shall be presented in accordance with Rule 12.


   These shall be the same as The Budgerigar Society Rules.


(a) The SBBA is committed to Equal Opportunities and opposes all discrimination, prejudice and any other form of injustice that are based on ethnic, racial or national background or origins, mental or physical disability or difference, age, skin colour, nomadic lifestyle, partnership or family status, sexual orientation, financial or employment status.

(b) It is the obligation of every member to ensure they actively support this Policy, and to ensure that no action of theirs can be reasonably construed as either discrimination or harassment. 

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