reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Show Organiser

The 24th Specialist & Rare Variety Open Show once again was a successful show with total entry of 650 of which 452 birds were benched in the competitive classes from 52 exhibitors.

Our Guest of Honour this year to present the 45 trophies was Maurice Roberts, the Budgerigar Society President. Next year's show will be staged on 29th & 30th June 2013 (week 26) at the same venue in Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire.


There were many less Rares this year for Malcolm Hough to judge as the entry dropped from 72 to 32 and this was to be expected when the Clearbody variety was removed from this section to the A.O.C. section. It was the Slates that took the double in this variety and the Best Rare Any Age and Best Rare went to Mick Widdowson’s Slate Yellowface hen of good quality. Gren & Pat Norris were second with their Anthracite cock of good length. Another quality Slate hen from John & Jamie Naylor’s stud was third.

John & Jamie Naylor headed the young bird section with another quality Slate hen despite the missing spot. Dave & Linda Rafis were second with an Anthracite cock with Mick Anzara’s English Fallow Opaline hen of good variety content was third best.

Jamie Naylor who won the Rare Variety young Bird

Bob McCabe winner of the AOC Young Bird at the SRVOS

Michael & Margaret Chapman winners of the AOC Any Age at the SRVOS

Best Anthracite, G & P Norris; Best English Fallow, M. Anzara; Best German Fallow, M. Anzara; Best Rainbow, M. Anzara; Best Slate, M. Widdowson; Best Saddleback, G & J Al-Nasser.

A – Anthracite, EF – English Fallow, GF – German Fallow, SL – Slate, SB – Saddleback, R - Rainbow
Pos.     Rare C.C. Any Age           Rare C.C. Young Bird

1.          M. Widdowson (SL)           J & J Naylor (SL)

2.          G & P Norris (A)                D & L Rafis (A)

3.          J & J Naylor (SL)                M. Anzara (EF)

4.          M. Anzara (EF)                   M. Anzara (R)

5.          M. Anzara (R)                    

6.          G & J Al-Nasser (R)          

7.         G & J Al-Nasser (SB)       


As expected this section had an increase in entry from 83 to 108 due to the additional classes of the Texas and Easley Clearbody for Bill Hough to judge. The winner of the adult section and best overall A.O.C. was the quality Violet cock of good colour from Michael & Margaret Chapman’s stud. The Chapman’s occupied second place as well with a quality Texas Clearbody Yellowface Skyblue cock staged in good condition. A Lacewing Yellow cock of good colour benched by Jim Mitchell was third in the line up.

Bob McCabe headed the young bird section with a quality Grey Yellow hen of good width. Terry Sadler was second with a Lacewing White cock which lacked condition. This was followed by Bob Allen’s Lacewing Yellow hen of good quality.

Best Olive, J. Farnham; Best Mauve, J. Farnham; Best Violet, M & M Chapman; Best Texas Clearbody, M & M Chapman; Best Easley Clearbody, C. Hawkins; Best Lacewing, J. Mitchell; Best Greywing, T. Sadler; Best Yellow, R. McCabe; Best White, M & P Freemantle; Best AOV Clearwing etc, J. Cosby.

TC - Texas Clearbody, EC - Easley Clearbody, LW – Lacewing,   GW – Greywing, YW – Yellow or White, D – Dark Factor
Pos.     AOC C.C. Any Age           AOC C.C. Young Bird

1.          M & M Chapman (D)         R. McCabe (YW) *

2.          M & M Chapman (TC)       T. Sadler (LW)

3.          J. Mitchell (LW)                  R. Allen (LW)

4.          C. Hawkins (EC)                 C & S Tipton (D) *

5.          R. Watts (LW) *                 G & J Al-Nasser (GW)

6.          J & J Naylor (D)                 J & J Naylor (TC)

7.          T. Sadler (GW)                   D & A Bruton (LW)

* indicates non-member of the RV&CBS