reported by Ghalib Al-Nasser, Show Organiser

The 23rd Specialist & Rare Variety Open Show receiving an increase in total entry to 697 of which a total of 535 birds were benched from 54 exhibitors at its new venue in Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire. As always many overseas visitors attended this national prestigious show from Belgium, Germany, Holland, Norway and Sweden making it a truly international event.

The show committee extends their sincere thanks and gratitude to the following sponsors; Brown & Hutt (50% cost of all the open rosettes for the show); to Geoff Capes (cost of all the ceramic awards to the judges and Best of Colours), Les Martin (donated bird to the most benched birds by a beginner and financial sponsorship), Jan Hill (printing cost of the coloured covers for the schedules and catalogues), Grant Findlay & Nick Flavell (printing cost of the schedules). Financial sponsorship came from Mick Anzara, Don Rowell & Linda Heighton and Dave & Linda Rafis. Warren Wilson & BRASEA donated major rosettes for all the BOC winners and other coloured awards and Frank Barnes sponsored the show with a show cage for the raffle. The show also received sponsorship in the form of products from The Birdcare Company, Johnson & Jeff Ltd, Johnson’s Veterinary Products Ltd and Murphy & Son Ltd. Donated birds for the raffle came from Jerry Donovan, Fred, Sheila & Kevin Eatwell, Malcolm & Pam Freemantle, Dave Guppy & Dave Barnes, Jan Hill, Dave Moss, Gary Sutton & Cy Thorne. All members of the show committee also sponsored the show with raffle prizes.

Our Guest of Honour this year to present the 45 trophies was Shirley Risebrow, past show secretary and past president of the Crested BC. Next year's show will be staged on 30th June & 1st July 2012 (week 26) at the same venue in Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire.


John Cosby judged the increased entry of 72 Rares and Texas Clearbodies had it all their way in both sections when he awarded the Best Rare in Show to a quality Texas Clearbody Grey cock of good width from Terry Sadler. Another Texas Clearbody; Yellowface Grey cock of good style from Jim Mitchell was in second place. Mike Peel benched another Texas Clearbody; Violet cock of good width in third place.

Terry Sadler headed the young bird section with another Texas Clearbody Skyblue hen of good width. Les Cutler was second with a wide Texas Clearbody Light Green cock with Mike Peel’s Texas Clearbody Grey hen was third best.

Best English Fallow, M. Anzara; Best Texas Clearbody, Terry Sadler; Best Easley Clearbody, Mrs. J. Hill; Best Rainbow, Findlay & Flavell; Best Slate, M. Widdowson; Best Saddleback, G & J Al-Nasser.

Cl. – Clearbody,    F. – Fallow,    Sl. – Slate,    SB – Saddleback,    R-Rainbow

YB Slate M Widdowson

AA Rainbow Findlay & Flavell

AA Texas Clearbody T. Sadler

AA AOC B. Allen

Pos.      Rare C.C. Any Age           Rare C.C. Young Bird

1.         T. Sadler (TCl. c)               T. Sadler (TCl. h)

2.         J. Mitchell (TCl. c)              L. Cutler (TCl. c)

3.         M. Peel (TCl. c)                  M. Peel (TCl. h)

4.         D. Norman (TCl. c) *          M. Peel (TCl. c)

5.         L. Cutler (TCl. h)                 M. Anzara (F)

6.         G & J Al-Nasser (F)           M. Widdowson (Sl)

7.             A. Benton (TCl. c) *           M & M Chapman (ECl)


There was a further increase in entry in this section to 83 for Ian Clarke to judge. The winner of the adult section and best overall A.O.C. was a powerful Lacewing Yellow cock staged in good condition by Bob Allen. A quality Violet cock (last year’s young bird winner) from Michael & Margaret Chapman’s stud was in second place. A quality Lacewing Yellow hen benched by Martin Bagnall was third in the line up.

Newcomers to this show Nicola & Brian Whitlock benched a quality Opaline Grey White cock to head the young bird section that possessed good width and blow. A Blue White hen of good size and condition from our successful junior Daniel Norman was in second place. This was followed by Martin Bagnall’s Mauve hen of good colour and condition.

Best Olive, F. Barnes; Best Mauve, M. Bagnall; Best Violet, M & M Chapman; Best Lacewing, B. Allen; Best Greywing, M. Anzara; Best Yellow, F. Barnes; Best White, N & B Whitlock; Best AOV Clearwing etc, M & P Freemantle.

LW – Lacewing           GW – Greywing         YW – Yellow or White            D – Dark Factor

YB AOC N & B Whitlock

YB English Fallow M. Anzara

AA Easley Clearbody Mrs J. A. Hill

Best Rare YB T. Sadler

Pos.      AOC C.C. Any Age           AOC C.C. Young Bird

1.         B. Allen (LW)                    N & B Whitlock (YW) *

2.         M & M Chapman (D)        D. Norman (YW) *

3.         M. Bagnall (LW)                 M. Bagnall (D)

4.         D. Swann (YW) *              F. Barnes (YW)

5.         M. Bagnall (D)                    G & Y Sutton (D) *

6.         F. Barnes (D)                      J. Farnham (LW)

7.          J & J Naylor (D)                 M & M Chapman (YW)

* indicates non-member of the RV&CBS



 Best A/A

 Best Y/B

        English Fallow

G & J Al-Nasser

M. Anzara *

        German Fallow



     Easley Clearbody

Mrs J. A. Hill *

M & M Chapman

      Texas Clearbody

T. Sadler *

T. Sadler


Findlay & Flavell *

Findlay & Flavell


J. Farnham

M. Widdowson *


G & J Al-Nasser *



M. Anzara *



R. J. Allen *

J. Farnham


G & J Al-Nasser *