Rare Variety & Colour BS - 2011 Club Show
Compiled by Gh
alib Al-Nasser

Bob Allen, our hard working Membership Secretary & Editor, at our stand at the Club Show

It was very pleasing to see another increase in entry over the past three years in the Rare Variety section to 81 (73 in 2010, 57 in 2009 & 58 in 2008) but the entry in the Any Other Colour dropped to 56 (65, 59 & 47 respectively).

Rare Variety

Philip Dye judged this section and awarded the adult CC to the Norwood Stud’s super Texas Clearbody Light Green hen (same bird that won in 2010) benched in good condition with good size and depth of mask. It was a strong bird and good example of the variety. John Dunnell was second with another Texas Clearbody Yellowface Skyblue cock of good quality and good variety content that went on to win our club’s Best Rare Any Age award. Another Texas Clearbody cock was placed third in the colour run down for Emma & Marstin Nee.

Best Rare in Show by a member (L & P Martin)

The young CC went to the World Champion Les Martin with a Texas Clearbody Skyblue hen with a nice face and staged in good condition that went on to win the overall Best Rare in Show by a member. Daemon Mullee staged a lovely faced Slate hen staged in good condition that was placed in second position. Geoff Tillson’s Texas Clearbody Light Green cock was third best.

Cl. – Clearbody, F. – Fallow, Sl. – Slate, SB – Saddleback, R-Rainbow

Pos.     Rare C.C. Any Age                       Rare C.C. Young Bird

1.          Norwood Stud (TCl. h) *                L & P Martin (TCl. h)

2.          J. Dunnell (TCl. c)                           D. Mullee (Sl. h)

3.          E & M Nee (TCl. c) *                     G. Tillson (TCl. c) *

4.          G & J Al-Nasser (F. c)                    Quigley & Watson (F. h)

5.          D. Turner (TCl. c)                            R. J. Allen (Sl. h)

6.          P. Smart (TCl. h) *                          A. Carr (Cl. h)

7.                   A. Benton (TCl. c) *                        M. Anzara (F. c)

Janice Al-Nasser, our President, presenting Daemon Mullee with the Best Slate trophy

Janice presenting David Turner with the Best Greywing trophy

Janice presenting Roger Day with the Best Rainbow trophy

Any Other Colour                        

John Lee judged this section and only the Greywing, Lacewing and Anthracite come under our umbrella in this section. The Anthracites were exhibited again this year thanks to Alison Carr, A. Wood and ourselves who benched adults & young birds in cocks & hens.

The Any Age Best of Colour winner was a quality White Cobalt cock benched by Chris & Mary Snell and staged in good condition. A large Lacewing Yellow cock benched by Tom & Andrew Luke was in second place of good colour and condition. A good quality Greywing Grey cock from David Turner was placed in third place.

The Luke partnership came to the fore in the young bird line up with a lovely browy Lacewing Yellow hen staged in good condition. Roger Day occupied second spot with a Yellow hen of good size and condition. This was followed by Brian Sweeting’s Lacewing White cock of good colour and size.

LW – Lacewing                       GW – Greywing                      YW – Yellow or White

Pos.     AOC C.C. Any Age                             AOC C.C. Young Bird

1.          C & M Snell (YW. c) *                         T & A Luke (LW. h) *

2.          T & A Luke (LW. c) *                          R. Day (YW. h)

3.          D. Turner (GW. c)                                 B. Sweeting (LW. c) *

4.          Quigley & Watson (GW. c)                   M & M Chapman (YW. h)

5.          J. Mitchell (LW. c)                                R. Bastin (LW. h) *

6.          A. Benton (YW. c) *                             R. Day (YW. c)

7                     T & A Luke (LW. h) *                          H & M Hough (GW. c) *

*           indicates non-member of the RV&CBS


Variety Best Any Age Best Young Bird
Best Rare 61-2 J. Dunnell 162-8 L & P Martin *
Greywing 269-1 D.A. Tuner * Not Awarded
Lacewing 271-1 J. Mitchell * Not Awarded
German Fallow No Entry No Entry
English Fallow 59-3 G & J Al-Nasser * 160-1 Quigley & Watson
Easley Clearbody No Entry No Entry
Texas Clearbody 61-2 J. Dunnell 162-8 L & P Martin *
Slate 264-3 D. Mullee 364-1 D. Mullee *
Saddleback 63-1 G & J Al-Nasser * No Entry
Rainbow 65-3 R. Day * 165-1    Findlay & Flavell

* indicates Best of each variety overall



G. & J. Al-Nasser Trophy for Best Rare in Show
Dave Curtis Memorial Shield for Best Rare Young Bird
Cyril Rogers Cup for Best Greywing
C. Rolls Cup for Best Lacewing
W. Walraven Cup for Best Clearbody
K. Brock Trophy for Best English Fallow
Colin Putt Trophy for Best German Fallow
C. H. Rogers Trophy for Best Slate
Sheila Cook Trophy for Best Saddleback
Ken Gray Trophy for Best Rainbow

L & P Martin
L & P Martin
D.A. Turner
J. Mitchell
L & P Martin
G & J Al-Nasser
Not Awarded
D. Mullee
G & J Al-Nasser
R. Day