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The Society, a non-profit organisation, shall be known as the "Crested Budgerigar Club" (“The Club”) and be open for membership to all who breed, keep and exhibit (or are interested in) Crested Budgerigars in Great Britain and overseas.

To promote and encourage the breeding, development and exhibition of Crested Budgerigars Worldwide.

Application for membership shall be made to the Membership Secretary in writing or on the official application form of the Society. The Committee reserves the right to refuse membership without assigning any reason for such refusal.

The amount of subscriptions shall be agreed at the ruling Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) of the Club and be due on 1st January for the ensuing year. All new memberships received from 1st October to 31st December shall be deemed to apply from the following 1st January, when membership commences, and after which date they will be eligible for C.B.C. awards. Unless renewed, membership will be deemed ceased by the 31st March.

The types of subscription are as follows:
(i) Single
(ii) Partnerships at same address
(iii) Partnerships at different addresses.
(iv) O.A.P. Partnership
(v) Senior Citizen
(vi) Registered Disabled
(vii) Juniors
(viii) Life membership available at 20 times the current subscription

The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the officials of the Club comprising of:- President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary/Treasurer, Patronage Secretary, Editor, Trophy Steward, Publicity Officer, and a Committee of up to four members, all to be elected annually by postal ballot if necessary. Closing date for new nominations is 1st January. Two or more persons may hold any of the aforementioned offices jointly.

(a) All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected for one year at a time. Should there be more than one nomination for an office or more than four nominations for the Committee, then a postal ballot will take place. Ballot papers, with all relevant details, will be sent out to members at least four weeks prior to the A.G.M.
Scrutineers for such ballots to be the National Council for Aviculture (N.C.A.).
(b) Retiring officers shall be eligible for re-election either individually or "en-bloc".
(c) The Chairman, General Secretary, Membership Secretary/Treasurer and the Patronage Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees formed for any purpose in connection with the Club.
(d) There will also be honorary appointments of Life Vice-Presidents, which only need the confirmation of those asked to fill them. Those appointments are not subject to re-appointment. There will also be honorary appointments of Life Membership, which are reserved to members of the Club only for their services and outstanding achievements to the Club. Honorary Life Vice-Presidents and Life Members are elected at A.G.M. only.

New nominations for Officers and Committee to be sent to the General Secretary in writing (proposed and seconded by paid up members) to reach him/her by 1st January. Vacancies occurring on the committee during the club year shall be filled at the discretion of the Committee.

A postal ballot could take place each year to elect the Officers and Committee of the Club for the self-same year up to the A.G.M. the following year. Ballot papers will be sent out on or just after 1st February, which should be duly filled in and returned to the Scrutineers before the first post of the day fixed by the Committee for the results to be announced at the A.G.M.

The ballot results shall by announced from the Chair. The newly elected Officers, if present, will assume office immediately. If number of nominations for Committee does not exceed the places available, then a postal ballot need not be held and therefore all nominees are automatically elected.

(a) The A.G.M. is the ultimate authority of the Club. The A.G.M. shall be held at the Specialist & Rare Variety Open Show of each year. Announcement of the A.G.M. shall be made in The Society's publication and/or other journals of the fancy.
(b) The purpose of the meeting will be:-
(i) To receive reports from Officers.
(ii) To receive the Balance Sheet and the financial report from the Treasurer.
(iii) To elect the Officers and the Committee.
(iv) To elect two Auditors and to confirm the N.C.A. as the Ballot Scrutineers for the ensuing year.
(v) To consider any other relevant matters of which proper notice shall have been given to the General Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting.
(vi) Any other business.
(c) Only fully paid-up members of The Club will be allowed to vote.
(d) The Chairman shall have the casting vote.

The Balance Sheet and Report shall be prepared annually, audited and announced at the Annual General Meeting for the Meeting's endorsement. A copy to be sent to every member by post or incorporated in the Club’s Journal. The financial year will end on the 31st December.

To assist the financial working of the Club, the Treasurer will be entitled to hold a petty cash account from which to dispense all minor items of expenditure in connection with the Club. All such items to be recorded on vouchers and in the financial books of the Club.

All cheques, drafts, bills, etc. endorsed on behalf of the Club must be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by either the Chairman or the General Secretary to be valid.

The General Secretary, Membership Secretary/Treasurer, Patronage Secretary and Editor shall receive an annual Honorarium to be agreed at each A.G.M.

The Club shall not be dissolved as long as there are Five members who are willing to undertake the management of the Club.

No rule shall be altered unless two-thirds of members’ votes are in favour of such alterations at the A.G.M. Notice of desire to alter any rule must be given in writing, proposed and seconded, to the General Secretary by the 1st January and the full text be published prior to the A.G.M.

(a) An E.G.M. may be convened at a convenient venue at any time if no less than Twelve members state their intentions, in writing to the General Secretary, of being present to consider any relevant business important enough to warrant such a meeting. The consent of the Committee must be obtained before the General Secretary agrees to arrange such a meeting.
(b) At least six weeks notice must be given to the membership either in writing, the Club’s publication or in the fancy press before such a meeting can be held.
(c) The Officers and Committee may call for an E.G.M. at any time to discuss any important questions on which they desire a mandate from the Club.
(d) Discussion at any E.G.M. must be strictly confined to the subjects specified in the notice.
(e) The quorum of such meetings shall be 15 paid up members of which 8 must be signatories to the written request.
(f) The Chairman shall have the casting vote.

Due to the far-flung nature of the Club, Committee Meetings are not practical and therefore the Club Officers are allowed maximum discretion in the fulfilment of their functions. This is subject to all rulings made at A.G.M., which is the ultimate authority of the Club.

However, on all major questions of policy, alterations or suspension of the Club Services, refusal of Club membership, replacement of Committee members, the Officers should first consult the full committee by mail and general agreement reached before any action is taken.

The Committee of the Club shall also be and are hereby authorised to expel any members of and from the Club provided the Committee consider the conduct of such member renders such a course desirable.

(a) The Club Show & Patronage Rules to govern the running of Club Patronage in each year are to be formulated at the A.G.M. and to be applicable in the year following the A.G.M.
(b) Patronage shall be awarded to societies at a given fee to be agreed at the A.G.M.
(c) Patronages awarded are as follows:-
(i) Special Championship Affiliation Patronage
(ii) Premier Affiliation Patronage
(d) All Patronage Applications to be received by the Patronage Secretary by 28th February in each year.
(e) Any alterations or additions to Patronage Rules shall be presented in accordance with Rule 12.

(a) The Society's publication (The Crested Chronicle) shall be produced at least twice a year.
(b) The Editor shall have sole responsibility for the contents of the publication and the Editor's decision as to inclusion or exclusion of offered material shall be final except on Society business.

The club bankers shall be one of the main banks and/or Building Society, at the Treasurer's discretion.

These shall be as for the Budgerigar Society Rules.

Revised 28th September 2008 in Doncaster


1. To qualify for patronage of the Club there must be classes for Crests in each section scheduled, and set forth in the exact words of the appendix. Application forms for patronage are available from the Patronage Secretary.

2. Only paid up members of the C.B.C. may receive the C.B.C. Rosettes, Diplomas and Members Specials, provided they nominate "CBC" on their entry forms.

3. As soon as possible after the show, and no later than one month there from, the C.B.C. results sheet must be returned to the Patronage Secretary together with a copy of the catalogue and award sheet. Any rosettes or diplomas not awarded should be returned at the same time.

4. Acceptance of the C.B.C. Patronage implies that the Show Promoting Society concerned fully accepts all the foregoing and is willing to abide by these provisions in relation to the Crested Classes. The Patronage Secretary has the authority to withdraw the Club's Patronage at any time if its requirements cannot be complied with. All entries and matters needing clarification in regard to C.B.C. Patronage should be sent to the Patronage Secretary.

5. Crested Classes should be in the schedule as per Budgerigar Society mandatory classification. Crested class winners MUST go up for Best in Section Awards.


The following guidelines are published for your information and attention should a ballot for Officers and/or Committee be required.

1. Nominations for an Office or a position on the Committee must be in writing, proposed and seconded by paid-up members, and sent to the General Secretary by 1st July (Rule 5).

2. Biographical details of nominees must be submitted with the written nomination and published on the ballot form. The publishing of election addresses in any of the fancy press is prohibited.

3. Identification of voters on the ballot forms to be by CBC number only. CBC numbers are obtained from the Membership Secretary.

4. The National Council for Aviculture (N.C.A.) to act as Scrutineers for such ballots and to be supplied with a list of paid-up members (CBC numbers only).

5. All members of any type of partnership will receive individual ballot forms and be entitled to vote individually.

6. Duplicated copies of ballot sheets will not be accepted by the Scrutineers.

7. If a nominee for an office is already a Committee Member, he/she will retain their committee seat should they lose on the ballot for that office.

8. Results of the ballot will be announced to the members by the Chairman at the A.G.M.

9. Numbers of votes cast will be made public.

10. In the event of a tied vote for an Officer/Committee Member position, a secret paper ballot will be held at the A.G.M.

11. For a ballot, at least two weeks notice, prior to the closing date, to be given to all paid up members.

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